Chairman's Vision
Shri Manoj khatri

(Divisional Commissioner)
I welcome all the visitors on official portal of Gwalior Development Authority. This portal is designed in such a way that anyone willing to participate in our schemes could get all the information at a glance. I hope, our this endeavor will be fruitful for one and all. Those associated or willing to associate with us will be benefited through it.
We are committed to provide better urban housing amenities to the citizens as per master plan of the city. Gwalior Development Authority has taken initiatives for better citizen based services and with this view Jan-Sunwai has recently been started every week. Grievances received on this platform are addressed on priority and efforts are made for their early redressal.
Through launch of this website, our effort is to bring more efficiency and transparency in our system. Good governance is key factor in service to the citizens and this is one step ahead in that direction. This portal will be kept update and all suggestions or proposals to make it better will be accepted whole heartedly. With best wishes –